VM Building Solutions aims to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, promote recycling and reuse, and lower water pollutants through targeted projects and sustainable practices.

Reducing our group CO2 emissions 


50% reduction of our group CO2 emissions by 2035 (compared to 2023 levels). This goal reflects our dedication to adopting cleaner and more energy-efficient technologies, ensuring that our production processes are as sustainable as possible.  


  • Recovering waste heat generated during production processes, reducing the energy required for heating our offices and warehouses,  also minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • Increasing renewable energy usage, already at 15% of our total energy consumption. 50% of our electricity is already derived from green sources.

Reducing waste and maximize re-use


Already achieved a 78% reduction in water usage compared to 2017 by implementing efficient water management practices.


  • Investigating the use of recycled Zinc in our production processes, which helps conserve natural resources and reduce our CO2 emissions.  
  • Continuing our efforts to reduce scrap in our production lines and to implement take-back schemes for packaging, pallets, and other materials from customers to minimize waste. 

Reducing emissions in water 


Reducing micro pollutants emissions by 90% in 2028 (compared to 2017 levels). To achieve these targets, a new water treatment system is being implemented at our Viviez site in 2024. 

This technology will ensure that the water used in our production processes is treated and removes harmful pollutants before being released.

Durable building materials

Zinc, EPDM, and Copper, offer environmentally conscious construction solutions.


Responsible behavior


Leading to solid governance