Our values guide our governance strategy

We promote:

  • open communication, 
  • simplicity, 
  • entrepreneurship, 
  • responsibility, 
  • integrity. 

Our team's direct approach aims to achieve innovation and agility in a spirit of shared responsibility at all levels. 

We uphold high standards of integrity and ethics with all stakeholders, including the company, its people, our suppliers, customers and installers.


Responsible sourcing

At VM Building Solutions, responsible sourcing is fundamental.  

  • Ensuring our materials, particularly Zinc, to be sourced sustainably and locally. 88,53% of our supplies are purchased from members of the UN global Compact, or suppliers who subscribe to their ten principles, covering human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. 

Governance and compliance

Ensuring robust governance and compliance is critical. 

  • We adhere to the UN Global Compact principles, integrated into all business aspects. 
  • We participate in the Ecovadis assessment, and in 2023 we achieved a silver medal for our corporate social responsibility practices in France. Our goal is to extend this certification to all sites with more than 25 employees, highlighting our dedication to transparency and continuous improvement. 
  • Our whistleblower policy ensures that employees can report concerns confidentially.
  • Our internal audit system, including the Minimum Internal Control Requirements (MICR), ensures all operations are ethical and compliant with regulatory standards. This helps us maintain high standards of corporate governance and accountability. Also, on a yearly basis we initiate compliance audits in our entities to challenge ourselves.

Durable building materials

Zinc, EPDM, and Copper, offer environmentally conscious construction solutions.


Reduction of our environmental footprint


Responsible behavior